
The online store is operated by DOKI DOKI s.r.o.

Business address in the Czech Republic:
DOKI DOKI s.r.o., Goetheho 1077/23, 160 00 Praha 6 - Bubenec, Czech Republic

Company representative, managing director:
Jiri Sefranek, E-mail:


Commercial Register:
The company is registered in Business Register under the file number C 343954 held at the Municipal Court in Prague.

Company Registration:
The company is registered with a tax office in the Czech Republic under identification number CZ09878980.

Responsibility for the content of the site:

Please note that the information on the Store's website is in some cases taken over from third parties, may contain factual, visual and technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The operator of the trade does not have to check third party information. They can be updated without notice. We may also change the products and services described on this site at any time without notice and we do not guarantee the accuracy of their content in substance. The obligation to remove or block information under the law remains unaffected and liability is only possible from the moment of legal breach.

Responsibility for links:

We are not responsible for links to third party services and we cannot accept responsibility for external content. The content of the linked pages is always the responsibility of the relevant provider or its operator. The links were checked at the time of their location for infringement and whether they contain non-insidious content. Once we find a breach of the law, we will remove these links immediately.


The content of the online store is subject to copyright law. Reproduction, modification, distribution and any use outside the scope of copyright law requires the written consent of the internet business operator. Downloading and copying are only allowed for private, non-commercial use. It is not allowed to reproduce copyrighted images from third parties. The content of the internet trade was created by the operator or from freely available image sources on the Internet. If you still notice copyright infringement, please let us know. Once we find a violation, we will remove such content immediately.

Shipping only 9,90 €

For tracked shipments

Delivery from 10 working days

Fast production and delivery

Quality photo paper

Print on semi-matte photo paper

Magnetic film

We use flexible magnetic film